Arkansas Global Connect

Ethical Recruitment Policies List

2024-2025 (version July 2024)

Arkansas Global Connect (“AGC”) is dedicated to maintaining the highest ethical standards in the recruiting of global talent. AGC believes this is essential for valuing human dignity and maintaining the best interests of workers, employers, and global relations. 

The purpose of this document is to ensure the utmost compliance with the highest standards for ethical recruitment at all levels of our business. 


AGC strictly prohibits the charging of any fees to Workers. AGC further prohibits the collection of any bankbooks, bank cards, or deeds to property of Workers. To this end, AGC never charges a Worker any recruitment fees or costs during the process of recruiting, hiring, and traveling to or from the hiring company’s worksite, including the costs of repatriation. This policy includes both Workers who receive visas and those who are denied visas or do not complete the process for another reason. The Worker is never held responsible for paying recruitment fees, costs, and reimbursements; either AGC or the Employer is held responsible as stipulated in each arranged contract. AGC clearly states and maintains this information on our website and in our contracts. 


AGC is dedicated to supporting each Worker’s freedom to contract with their Employer in any way they choose that is consistent with applicable law. 

Any time an employer seeks to amend a worker’s contract, the employer must first notify AGC of such amendment and provide AGC with a copy of the updated contract. AGC will have five business days to contact the worker to discuss the meaning of the amendment, explain the implications of the amendment, and confirm that the worker consents to the amendment. 


AGC believes that child and forced labor are inherently exploitative and a breach of international human rights. AGC strictly prohibits engaging with any entity involved in forced or child labor. AGC is committed to seeing that no worker under the age of eighteen is recruited or employed in their business or supply chain and that no person of any age is forced to work against their freely given consent. All staff are trained and have the knowledge and skills required to uphold these commitments. All AGC staff are required to know and understand the legal definitions of child and forced labor, the requirements of these policies and procedures, the risks related to child and forced labor, and how to escalate potential issues. All situations are remediated in the best interest of the Worker and AGC expressly adopts a “do no harm” approach in respect to the Worker. 

AGC expressly reserves the right to immediately report instances of forced or child labor at an Employer that it discovers to the Department of Labor and other relevant authorities. AGC further reserves the right to withdraw all workers recruited by AGC at said hiring company if instances of child labor are found. Removal/return to workers’ home country is at hiring company’s expense. 


AGC promotes equal opportunity in its hiring practices and makes recruiting and other business decisions based solely on job-related criteria. AGC believes that all people should be treated with dignity and respect. AGC values diversity in the workforce as well as in our customers, suppliers, and others. Our goal is to create and promote environments that are inclusive of all people and celebrate our unique abilities and strengths. 

AGC is committed to see that all workers and business partners are entitled to work in an environment without harassment, bullying, or discrimination, which includes the freedom from unwelcome remarks, gestures, or physical contact; the display or circulation of offensive, derogatory, or sexually explicit materials; offensive or derogatory jokes or comments; and verbal or physical abuse or threats, and retaliation; safe and decent working conditions; timely payment; and the right to Worker representation.   

AGC maintains these principles by sending regular surveys to workers regarding their work environments. 

In the event that a workplace is found violative of these principles, AGC will address the matter with the hiring employer. If no remedy is reached, AGC reserves the right to withdraw all workers recruited by AGC at said hiring company. Removal/return to workers’ home country is at hiring company’s expense.   


AGC’s policy is to comply with the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and all other applicable anti-corruption laws in any country in which we operate. Bribery is illegal under U.S. and international law and may lead to substantial criminal sanctions as well as reputational harm to AGC and any individual involved. Accordingly, AGC strictly prohibits all forms of bribery, regardless of whether it involves government officials or private parties. We must never offer or accept bribes or kickbacks and must not participate in or facilitate corrupt activity of any kind. A bribe, for purposes of this policy, is an offer, promise, or gift of money or anything of value that is made with the intention of influencing a person in the performance of his/her role in order to obtain an improper business advantage. 

AGC also does not permit “grease” or “facilitation” payments, which are typically understood to be payments made to a low-level Government Official for the purpose of securing or expediting the performance of a routine, nondiscretionary government action.  

AGC’s prohibition against offering, promising, paying, or accepting bribes also applies to any third parties who provide services or act on our behalf, such as suppliers, agents, contractors, and consultants. We must never engage a third party whom we believe may attempt to offer or accept a bribe in connection with company business.    

AGC expressly reserves the right to immediately report instances of bribery or other corrupt practices by an Employer or Worker to relevant authorities that it discovers. AGC further reserves the right to withdraw all workers recruited by AGC at an Employer company if instances of bribery or other corrupt practices are found. Removal/return to workers’ home country is at hiring company’s expense. AGC further reserves the right to withdraw any Worker who has been discovered to have engaged in bribery or other corrupt practices. 


At no time may an AGC employee discriminate against a candidate for visa placement due to their membership status in a trade union. AGC employees are to treat union members fairly, without discrimination, and in accordance with the by-laws of their union. In keeping with U.S. labor laws as well as relevant laws in the countries in which we operate, AGC cannot provide services to any employers which violate established legal protections of members of unions.  Furthermore, AGC will not recommend workers which an Employer intends to use to replace workers on strike. 


AGC is committed to protecting the privacy of everyone with whom we do business, including our customers and employees. Our security policies strictly limit access to and use of personal information and require that each of us take measures to protect personal data from unauthorized access. To protect data privacy, AGC maintains compliance with the laws and regulations of the countries in which they operate. During the annual review of our Ethical Recruitment Policy Manual, the legal department also reviews the applicable data protection laws in each country where AGC operates and updates the data protection and record retention policies accordingly.   

Below is the table for data and record retention:  

Worker and Employer Records: 

Record Type 

Retention Period 

Materials related to Employers and Workers, including applications and background checks 

10 years 

Correspondence with the Government Agencies 

10 years 

Worker questionnaires and supporting materials 

7 years 

Worker and Employer contracts and MSA’s 

10 years 

Worker and Employer Surveys 

10 years 

Complaints filed by Workers and Employers 

10 years 



AGC is committed to maintaining the highest standard of ethics in their recruitment practices. To that end, we use ongoing risk assessments to improve our business operations, minimize risk, and best serve our Workers and Employers. Whenever grievances are filed, risks are identified and escalated so that any needed remedy can be initiated to bring all policies, procedures, and business practices into compliance. 


AGC is committed to ensuring the continued and uninterrupted compliance with applicable laws and ethical standards by Employers. To this end, AGC conducts a series of evaluations effectuating due diligence as to the Employer’s compliance. AGC reserves the right to decline to provide or withdraw any workers recruited by AGC from any hiring company found to be out of compliance with these standards and unwilling to engage in remediation. Removal/return to workers’ home country is at the hiring company’s expense. 

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